Cheap Ralph Lauren Denim Suit for Business Dudes

Is everyone suitable for denim suit? It’s not a personal question, but more a perennial question in the fashion world. There are many who would answer no, including Justin Timberlake, Matt Damon, and Jennifer Lopez. But not Ralph Lauren.
In fashion field, denim suit is widely known as the Canadian Tuxedo, a term with no apparent slight intended to our northern neighbors. As the story spread, Levi’s fashioned a full denim tuxedo for Bing Crosby after the crooner, decked out in dungarees, was almost turned away from a fancy Canadian hotel.

The more sartorially timid among us would say there’s a limit to jeans. And while no one will ever be able to top Timberlake putting on his glorious blue-jean suit and tie, the design team at Ralph Lauren is giving it a shot. And recently, the fashion house just  released its line for the spring of 2015, and it includes  two—denim-on-denim ensembles: denim squared.

The first line is kind of a well-worn, sun-faded look matched with a preppy tie and old-fashioned collar. It calls to mind a young Gatsby strolling back into the West Egg martini clutch after summering on a dude ranch.

The second offering drags the denim into the boardroom.

No matter how, at fashion’s haute peak, clothes convey a simple message: “I don’t care less what you think.” A power suit—a real power suit—says the same thing, be it purple or pinstriped or paisley. In short, if you have to ask if it suit you, please try our new Ralph Lauren Denim.